m8 process

Observation du 31 Juillet 2020

31 Jul. 2020

12:56 AM

This month, we’re heading to the constellation of Sagittarius from our base in Namibia. Fleeing the overwhelming heat of the world’s oldest desert, the Namib, we’re diving into the heart of the pink Lagoon. The nebula stretches deep over 100 light years. On our way, we cross star reefs and Bok globules. We narrowly avoid being engulfed by a tornado caused by the emission of ultraviolet rays from a massive star, tunneling into an even darker region. Halfway in, we find ourselves in the area called the Hourglass Zone and witness, with awe, the birth of young stars that will in turn illuminate this immense expanse of cosmic gas..

m8 process

Object: M8 Lagoon Nebula
Date: 01/07/2020
Stacked images: 360x10s
Total exposure time: 1 hour
Location: Namibia
Author: Sebastien A.