2017 NETVA program
05 Dec. 2017
Vaonis is laureate of the 2017 NETVA program, a French national competition organized by the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in the United States. A hundred of companies applied to the competition that offers a personalized mentoring program tailored for young, innovative French companies hoping to discover or better understand the inner-workings of the North American high-tech market. The support program includes strategic trainings, as well as access to a vast academic, scientific, and industrial network and a travel to one of the four NETVA cities: Boston, San Francisco, Toronto and Washington, DC (where Vaonis will travel).
Since 2010, NETVA (New Technology Venture Accelerator) has supported 88 startups. It is organized by the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in the United States, in partnership with a total of thirty partners such as the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, Bpifrance, Business France, Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France, Inria.
More info : www.netvafrance.com