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Author: Souhail Alaoui

Paris Air Show 2017
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International Paris Air Show (France)

International Paris Air Show 2017Vaonis will be taking part at the International Paris Air Show on June 2017. Organized by the SIAE, a subsidiary of GIFAS, the French Aerospace Industries Association and best known as Salon du Bourget, this major aerospace exhibition is one of the most important air shows in the world, attracting more than 300 000 visitors every two years.

Vaonis team will be presenting its telescope Stellina:

• on Friday, June 23rd 2017 at the CNES (French government space agency) booth;

• on Saturday, 24th and Sunday, June 25th in the Paris Air Lab area, a new 2,000m2 space devoted to innovation in the aeronautics and space industry. The exhibition is open for both professional visitors and the general public coming from all over Europe to discover the latest innovations of start-ups in the field of aerospace. Located at the heart of the Salon du Bourget, the Paris Air Lab is organized into 3 complementary themes: aeronautics, digital and new applications, space. Daily sessions presentations and keynotes will be moderated by professionals, experts, and startups projects. Cyril Dupuy, the founder of Vaonis will present a 2 minutes speech about the evolution of an all-in-one telescope Stellina.

More detailswww.siae.fr

International Paris Air Show 2017 retrospective

E-Penser Salon du Bourget 2017Vaonis Salon du Bourget 2017Thomas Pesquet Salon du Bourget 2017 Vaonis Salon du Bourget 2017Vaonis users

Vaonis x Aerospace Valley
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Vaonis joins the Aerospace Valley

Since March 2017, Vaonis has become an official member of Aerospace Valley and its consortium for the “Booster Nova“ program dedicated to the emergence of start-up business. The well-known competitive cluster is the world leader in civil aeronautical, the European leader in space and among the best concerning the on-board system.

Currently, the cluster regroups more than 1500 research institutes and industries such as CNES, Airbus, ENAC or Continental. It also counts almost 8500 researchers.

This membership is for Vaonis the opportunity to benefit of an additional backing and an important professional network. This is not the only network Vaonis has joined since its creation. The company is also a member of the Hardware Club international community, an exclusive club of high-technology start-ups entrepreneurs across the world.

About Aerospace Valley
Created in 2005, Aerospace Valley is the most significant innovation “pôle de compétitivité” in France in the fields of aeronautics, space and embedded systems, counting with over 840 members from both the industry and the academia. With offices in Toulouse (HQ) and Bordeaux, the innovation cluster covers the two geographically adjacent regions of South-Western France, Occitania and Nouvelle Aquitaine. With 124,000 industrial employees, Aerospace Valley represents around 1/3 of the French aerospace workforce. Similarly, 8,500 researchers and scientists are active within the Aerospace Valley territory, thus representing 45% of the French national R&D potential in the aerospace sector. As of June 2016, Aerospace Valley has obtained funding for 475 R&D projects representing an accumulated value of 1.2 billion Euro covering most scientific and technical fields related to the various sectors of aerospace. Within the framework of the general French “pôle de compétitivité” program, which aims to stimulate employment by fostering local and regional competencies in technical and economic areas, Aerospace Valley strives to create an ambitious 35-40,000 new jobs by the horizon year 2025.

More detailswww.aerospace-valley.com

Tips & News

France Bleu radio interview

Logo France BleuAfter an interview with Cyril Dupuy broadcasted in April 2017 on the French radio RCF, it was the turn of France Bleu Hérault local radio to talk about Stellina all-in-one telescope. The journalist Ysis Percq, in charge of the ToulEco daily show, presents each morning the latest business news of the Herault department. On May 4, 2017, the France Bleu Herault listeners were able hear to the presentation of Vaonis and Stellina telescope both created by Cyril Dupuy, and the next projects of the start-up (solar eclipse in the United States recorded by Stellina telescope, the development of a telescope for the mass market, recruitment, international projects …).

A few months later, the radio talked about Vaonis for a second time, while the company was attending the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the largest tech and innovation show worldwide. The radio presented this morning the “stars of the Herault economic region” and evoked among others the prize awarded to Stellina on the occasion of the show (CES Innovation Award, Digital Imaging category), the fundraising by Vaonis, its future recruitments or the opening of pre-orders.

You can listen the podcats on France Herault website (French only):

  • Thursday, May 4, 2017 here
  • Thursday, January 11, 2018 here
French local newspaper Midi Libre
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Midi Libre newspaper article

After an interview with Cyril Dupuy, the founder of Vaonis, Occitanie’s leading French daily newspaper, Midi Libre published a one page article on April 11th, 2017. The article talks about Cyril Dupuy, a young start-up entrepreneur from Montpellier, France who invented and designed a new generation all-in-one compact telescope dedicated for those who are passionate about observing the stars in the night sky.

Stellina telescope is so light that you can take it anywhere and it fits perfectly into a backpack or suitcase and weighs only 7kg’, he explained. He also added that the telescope is so easy to use and can be installed in less than 5 minutes and is adaptable for use by children aged 8. He pointed that the device is controllable via a mobile application and the designers goal is to create a community of users through social media and bring together amateur astronomers. Vaonis also plans to showcase the most beautiful photographs taken by its users on traditional social networks, such as Facebook or Instagram. As per article the product will be available on the market by the end of 2017 at a cost of 2,199 euros in specialist telescope outlets or Vaonis website. He concluded the interview by presenting their award winning jury prize from Nature & Découvertes in 2016.

Vaonis x Midi Libre

Vaonis x Hardware Club
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Vaonis joins the Hardware Club

Hardware Club LogoIn March 2017 Vaonis joined the Hardware Club, the first community-based venture firm that supports the development of hardware start-ups. With a network of over 200 members in more than 50 countries worldwide, the Hardware Club is the largest global community of hardware entrepreneurs. It links its members with production and distribution partners such as Fnac, Harrods, Boulanger, Target and Media-Saturn.

Vaonis is very pleased to join this exclusive club of high-technology start-ups entrepreneurs which receives thousands of applicants each year. Through Hardware network community, Vaonis is opening new doors for the deployment of its game-changing telescope Stellina.

More detailswww.hardwareclub.com

Vaonis in Ciel & Espace French astronomy magazine
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Ciel & Espace magazine

Couverture magazine Ciel & EspaceCiel & Espace astronomy magazine, published by the French Association of Astronomy (AFA), talked about Stellina telescope in its January/February 2017 issue. In this article dedicated to the Rencontres du Ciel et de l’Espace event that happened in Paris in November 2017, the author shared his discoveries and gave an an overview of the products showcased during the trade show. “A trade show full of surprises” he shared, mentioning amongst other products Stellina telescope design by Vaonis:

“Even more surprising, the young start-up Vaonis presented the prototype of its telescope Stellina. It will be to the telescopes what the iPhone was to the mobile phones: a clean cube with a single button and able to take pictures of the sky automatically via an application.”

Read the full article in the Ciel & Espace magazine, issue #551 page 108 on www.cieletespace.fr (French only)

A year later, it is an entire page dedicated to the magazine telescope that was published about the telescope: “The Stellina arrives on the market“. Find the article in their issue #557 (January/February 2018) in kiosks or online on the magazine’s website.

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