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Author: Souhail Alaoui

Tips & News

CES Las Vegas (United States)

Smart telescope Stellina was awarded CES 2018 Innovation Honoree in the Digital Imaging category. The prize was announced during CES Unveiled Paris, a pre-CES event reserved for entrepreneurs, influencers and medias of the tech industry in order to give a preview of the innovations that the visitors will be able to discover during the CES held in January.

The CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is the largest global gathering of innovation that showcases the connected future of technology. Last year, 180,000 visitors discovered the latest product innovations from all over the world. In January, more than 4,000 exhibitors and 7,000 medias and journalists will attend this major event that gathers the biggest industries, most disruptive startups and major players in the tech industry to build the world of tomorrow. The annual CES Innovation Awards program celebrates outstanding product design and engineering in brand-new consumer technology products.

Vaonis is pleased to announce this prize that rewards the best product innovation every year and its participation to the event in Las Vegas in January 2018 where the team will present its innovation to the international public.

Plus d’infos : www.ces.tech

Tips & News

Made in France fair (France)

Le télescope Stellina a reçu la récompense Innovation CES 2018 dans la catégorie Digital Imaging (Imagerie numérique). Annoncé lors du CES Unveiled Paris devant un parterre d’entrepreneurs, journalistes et influenceurs tech, ce prix récompense les meilleures innovations technologiques de l’année.

Le CES (Consumer Electronics Show) est le plus grand salon international de produits électroniques grand public. L’an dernier, plus de 180 000 visiteurs ont pu découvrir les dernières innovations technologiques du monde entier. Avec plus de 4000 exposants et 7000 médias et journalistes présents, c’est le rendez-vous incontournable des industries, start-ups et acteurs de demain qui innovent pour façonner les modes de vie du futur.

Véritable tremplin pour l’international, Vaonis est heureux d’annoncer ce prix et sa participation au CES du 9 au 12 janvier 2018 au sein de l’Eureka Park, hall dédié aux startups les plus innovantes du moment. Le télescope sera également mis en avant à l’hôtel The Venetian, un des espaces les plus visités du salon où sont exposés l’ensemble des produits lauréats.

Plus d’infos : www.ces.tech

Tips & News

2017.09: Improvement of optics

Depuis notre dernier email en juin annonçant le début de l’industrialisation, beaucoup de choses se sont passées tant au niveau interne (agrandissement de l’équipe, retombées médias, récompenses…) qu’au niveau du produit. En effet, après discussion avec nos fournisseurs, nous avons fait le choix d’apporter des améliorations à l’instrument :

Choix des matériaux
Les supports internes, auparavant fixés à la coque en plastique, sont désormais remplacés par une structure en aluminium, assurant la liaison du trépied à l’optique. Ceci assure à Stellina une rigidité digne des meilleures montures du commerce et amoindrit considérablement la sensibilité au vent de l’instrument.

Qualité optique
Deuxième point important, un nouveau cap a été franchi en termes de qualité optique. Reposant auparavant sur un simple doublet achromatique, nous avons décidé de le remplacer par un doublet ED à diffraction limitée afin d’améliorer la qualité des images (suppression du chromatisme, meilleur piqué d’image…).

Ces choix ont eu un impact sur le planning de l’industrialisation car elle implique des tests de qualité supplémentaires. De ce fait, la livraison des premiers télescopes est attendue le 1er trimestre 2018.

Notre engagement sur la qualité et notre mission de vous fournir la meilleure expérience utilisateur possible sont les raisons pour lesquelles nous avons décidé d’allouer du temps supplémentaire à ces modifications.

Tips & News

Astro Messe fair (Germany)

Vaonis will be taking part in the Astro Messe fair (AME) on September 9th, one of the biggest astronomy fair in Germany. It will take place in the city of Villingen-Schwenningen, in Southern Germany, and is situated only 100km from Strasbourg, France. The 1600m² exhibition hall will allow the thousands of visitors expected to discover the new products of hundreds of manufacturers and retailers, including Vaonis with their innovation Stellina. It’s the first fair trade outside France that Vaonis attends as an exhibitor. The team is very excited to get the first impressions of a whole new public, only few months before the release of the telescope in the European Union.

More details: www.astro-messe.de

Tips & News

Festival de Tautavel

Vaonis participera pour la première fois au Festival d’Astronomie de Tautavel qui se déroulera du jeudi 20 au dimanche 23 juillet 2017 dans les Pyrénées-Orientales. Ce festival rassemble chaque année des milliers de personnes venus de toute la France et s’adresse à tous les publics, du simple curieux à l’astronome averti. Parmi eux, des centaines d’astronomes amateurs logeront dans le Village des Astronomes pour partager leur passion dans une atmosphère conviviale. De nombreuses activités, entièrement gratuites, rythmeront ains les 4 jours du festival  : cycles de conférences, ateliers, séances de planétarium, soirées d’observation… Un festival off est également organisé quelques jours après la manifestation.

Vaonis sera présent tout le long de l’évènement et animera une conférence pour présenter son télescope tout-en-un Stellina. Programme complet du Festival à venir !

Stargazing event Montparnasse Tower Paris 2017
Tips & News

Stargazing at the Montparnasse Tower (France)

Stargazing event Paris 2017

On the occasion of the Nuits des Étoiles (Stargazing Nights), Vaonis will be present from 28 to 30 July 2017 at the top of the Montparnasse tower (floor 59) as part of the stargazing evenings organized by the French Association of Astronomy (AFA). The opportunity, for those who could not attend the International Paris Air Show, to discover Stellina telescope for the first time.

Nuits des Étoiles… Their reputation is well established as this event is the most popular in the field of amateur astronomy in France. Three days dedicated to the observation of a beautiful starry sky everywhere in France and this, generally for free, making the event accessible to all.

Dates and activities

While most stargazing events cover only one or two nights, the visitors of Paris will be able to fully enjoy the three nights of observation, as is the case with the Nuits des Étoiles held at the top of the Montparnasse Tower in Paris. In addition to the many telescopes available and the presence of animators, the AFA astronomy society will organize a photographic exhibition, conferences and a workshop around the exploration of the digital sky on the 56th floor of the tower. Access to the activities is free once the entry fees for the tower have been paid.

The event will start at 8:00 pm every day, just before the sunset at 9:30 pm. The last entrance will be at 11:30 pm on Friday/Saturday and 11:00 pm on Sunday.

What to observe during the evenings and how?

Early in the evening, it may be possible to observe a lunar crescent shortly before sunset. Visitors will be able to enjoy the sunset accompanied by Jupiter. Saturn will appear soon after with the arrival of the first bright stars. The night will be well settled and it will be an opportunity to observe the Andromeda galaxy, the summer triangle or Albireo and the double star of the Swan. The evenings will end in beauty with the possibility of observing some shooting stars, especially Saturday where a shower of shooting stars is expected.

People are invited to enjo ystargazing using the different telescopes available on site. However, you can also enjoy the starry sky with the naked eye.

More details: www.afastronomie.fr

Tips & News

Vaonis dans le Top 500 des deep tech startups mondiales

Vaonis était présent aux Rencontres du Ciel et de l’Espace qui se sont déroulées à la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie de Paris du 11 au 13 novembre 2016. Au programme, la présentation de Stellina au public avec son stand dédié et deux conférences animées par son fondateur, Cyril Dupuy. Cette confrontation au public a suscité beaucoup de curiosités et d’encouragements. Les démonstrations de Stellina sur son stand ont attiré des centaines de personnes, permettant de générer 28 réservations de l’instrument.

Observations, Tips & News, Travel journal

How often does an eclipse happen?

An eclipse is a spectacular astronomical event that occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, blocking the sun’s rays from reaching our planet. Eclipses can be total, partial, or annular, depending on the alignment of the sun, moon, and Earth. Many people are fascinated by the beauty and wonder of eclipses, but how often does an eclipse happen? In this article, we will explore the frequency of eclipses, the different types of eclipses, and the factors that influence their occurrence.

The Frequency of Eclipses

How often does an eclipse happen? Eclipses do not happen every day, but they are not as rare as some might think. On average, there are two to four eclipses per year, although some years may have none, while others may have up to seven. This variation is due to the complex interactions between the Earth’s orbit around the sun, the moon’s orbit around the Earth, and the tilt of the Earth’s axis. Eclipses can only occur during specific lunar phases, which is when the sun, moon, and Earth are in alignment. The most common type of eclipse is a partial eclipse, which occurs when the moon partially blocks the sun’s rays. Total eclipses are less frequent, occurring about once every 18 months. Annular eclipses are even rarer, happening only once every 2-3 years. These occur when the moon is further away from the Earth and appears smaller in the sky, leaving a “ring of fire” around the sun.

Discover the different kinds of eclipses in our article “Types of Eclipses: Understanding the Differences”.

How Often Does An Eclipse Happen

Factors that Influence Eclipse Occurrence

There are several factors that can influence the occurrence of eclipses, including the distance between the moon and Earth, the position of the sun, and the tilt of the Earth’s axis. The moon’s orbit around the Earth is not perfectly circular, which means that it can be closer or further away from us at different times. When the moon is closer, its gravitational pull on the Earth is stronger, which can cause larger tides and more frequent eclipses. Similarly, the position of the sun in relation to the Earth and moon is constantly changing due to the Earth’s orbit around the sun. This means that eclipses may occur more frequently during certain times of the year. Finally, the tilt of the Earth’s axis can affect the alignment of the sun, moon, and Earth, which can impact the frequency of eclipses over longer periods of time. The Earth’s axial tilt is currently at 23.5 degrees, but this tilt changes slightly over time due to gravitational forces from other planets. This can lead to variations in the frequency of eclipses over thousands of years.

Ready to observe a Solar Eclipse?

With the release of Vespera Solar Filter and Stellina Solar Filter, we have come up with a step-by-step tutorial for you to read in order to optimize your solar observations and your future solar eclipse observations.

How Often Does An Eclipse Happen | 2023 Eclipses calendar

April 20 2023 | Total Solar Eclipse in South/East Asia, Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, Antarctica

May 5-6 2023 | Lunar Eclipse in Europe, Asia, Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, Antarctica

October 14 2023 | Annular Solar Eclipse in West Africa, North & South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic

October 28-29 2023 | Partial Lunar Eclipse in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North & South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica


Look out for the massive 2024 eclipse

The 2024 total solar eclipse is shaping up to be one of the most exciting astronomical events of the decade, and millions of people around the world are eagerly planning their trips to witness this once-in-a-lifetime spectacle. If you’re looking for the best places to watch the 2024 total solar eclipse, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top destinations for eclipse viewing and provide tips on how to make the most of your experience.


In conclusion, eclipses are not as rare as some might think, with an average of two to four occurring per year. The frequency of eclipses is influenced by a range of factors, including the distance between the moon and Earth, the position of the sun, and the tilt of the Earth’s axis. Understanding these factors can help astronomers predict when and where eclipses will occur, allowing people around the world to witness these amazing celestial events. Whether you’re an astronomy enthusiast or simply fascinated by the wonders of the universe, the frequency and nature of eclipses are truly awe-inspiring.


Observations, Tips & News, Travel journal

Tips to observe a solar eclipse

Want a few tips to observe a solar eclipse? A solar eclipse is a fascinating astronomical event that occurs when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, casting a shadow on the planet’s surface. While it’s an exciting experience to witness, viewing a solar eclipse can be dangerous if proper precautions aren’t taken. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some essential tips to ensure that you can safely and effectively view a solar eclipse, whether it is with your own eyes or with your Vespera or Stellina observation station.

Tips To View A Solar Eclipse with your own eyes

Step 1

The first tip to view a solar eclipse safely is to use proper eye protection. Looking directly at the sun during an eclipse can cause serious eye damage, including permanent blindness. Therefore, it’s essential to use special eclipse glasses or a solar viewer that meet the ISO 12312-2 safety standard. Be sure to inspect your eye protection before the event to ensure that there are no scratches or defects that could compromise its effectiveness. Additionally, it’s crucial to wear eye protection throughout the entire eclipse, as even a small amount of exposure to the sun can cause harm.

Tips To View A Solar Eclipse with your own eyes

Step 2

Another essential tip for viewing a solar eclipse is to choose a suitable location. Ideally, you want to be in a place where the eclipse will be visible in its entirety, with clear skies and minimal light pollution. If you live in a heavily populated area, consider driving to a location where you can get a clear view of the eclipse. Additionally, be sure to arrive early and set up your viewing equipment before the eclipse begins. This will give you time to adjust your equipment and get comfortable before the event starts.

Step 3

Finally, if you want to capture the eclipse with your camera or smartphone, you’ll need to use special filters to avoid damaging your device. Standard camera lenses and smartphone cameras are not designed to handle the intensity of the sun’s rays, so it’s essential to use a solar filter or eclipse glasses to protect your equipment. If you’re using a telescope or other magnifying device, be sure to use a solar filter that is specifically designed for that device. Additionally, it’s a good idea to practice setting up your camera or device before the eclipse to ensure that you’ll be able to capture the event effectively.

Tips To View A Solar Eclipse with your observation station

Step 1

Before attempting to view a solar eclipse with your Vespera or Stellina, it’s crucial to have the right equipment. A telescope with a solar filter is necessary to protect your eyes and the telescope from the sun’s damaging rays. Never use an ordinary telescope with no solar filter or binoculars to view the sun, as it can cause permanent eye damage. Also, make sure to test your equipment ahead of time to avoid any malfunctions during the eclipse. Checking the alignment and focusing of the telescope is essential to getting a clear view of the eclipse.

We highly encourage you to read our article “Observing the Sun with Vespera and Stellina” to learn more about solar observations.

Step 2

When setting up your telescope, ensure that it’s securely mounted on a tripod or stable surface. This will prevent any accidental movements that can disrupt your view of the eclipse. Once your telescope is set up, adjust the magnification to your preference. Keep in mind that higher magnification doesn’t necessarily mean a better view. In some cases, lower magnification can provide a wider field of view and a better view of the corona surrounding the eclipse.

Step 3

Timing is everything when it comes to viewing a solar eclipse with a telescope. It’s crucial to know when the eclipse will occur in your location and plan accordingly. Check online for eclipse timings or consult with a local astronomical society for accurate information. It’s also important to monitor the weather forecast leading up to the event. Clouds and haze can obstruct your view of the eclipse, so make sure you have a clear view of the sky before setting up your telescope.

Solar eclipse with Vespera

A solar eclipse is an awe-inspiring event that can provide a memorable experience for those who witness it. However, it’s essential to take proper precautions to ensure that you can view it safely and effectively, wether it is with your own eyes or with your observation station. Remember, the most important thing is to enjoy the event and appreciate the beauty of nature.

What's a solar eclipse
Tips & News

Types of Eclipses: Understanding the Differences

Types of Eclipses: Understanding the Differences

As we gaze up at the sky, we are often mesmerized by the beauty and wonder of celestial phenomena. One such occurrence that has captivated humans for centuries is an eclipse. An eclipse happens when one celestial body moves into the shadow of another.

Today, we’ll delve into the types of eclipses that occur and the differences between them.

Solar Eclipses

A solar eclipse takes place when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the Earth’s surface. There are three types of solar eclipses- Total, Partial and Annular.

A Total Solar Eclipse happens when the moon entirely covers the sun, and the corona, or the outermost layer of the sun, becomes visible. This is an awe-inspiring event, and it’s no surprise that people travel from all over the world to witness it.

Images taken with Stellina and its solar filter

A Partial Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon only partially covers the sun. In this scenario, viewers from specific regions of the world will see the sun partially obscured.

An Annular Solar Eclipse is similar to a Total Solar Eclipse, but instead of the corona, a “ring of fire” appears around the moon, which occurs when the moon is farther from the Earth than usual.

If you’re a Vespera or Stellina owner, we highly encourage you to read our article about Sun observations to make sure you’re all settled for the next Solar eclipse in your corner of the world (and don’t forget to purchase your solar filter for Vespera or solar filter for Stellina if you don’t have one).

Lunar Eclipses

A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon’s surface. There are two types of lunar eclipses- Total and Partial.

A Total Lunar Eclipse happens when the moon passes through the Earth’s umbral shadow, causing the moon to appear reddish-orange, which is why it is often referred to as a “Blood Moon.” This is a remarkable event that is well worth staying up late to witness.

A Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs when only a portion of the moon passes through the Earth’s umbral shadow, causing part of the moon to appear darker than usual.

Lunar eclipse captured with Stellina

Understanding the differences between these eclipses is essential for both amateur astronomers and space enthusiasts. It allows them to plan their observations and ensure that they don’t miss out on these awe-inspiring events.

In conclusion, eclipses are a beautiful and awe-inspiring celestial phenomenon that has captured human imagination for centuries. Knowing the types of eclipses and their differences can enhance the viewing experience and provide a deeper understanding of the universe.

Whether it’s a Total Solar Eclipse, a Blood Moon or a Partial Solar Eclipse, these events are not to be missed. So, mark your calendars and get ready to be amazed.

Are you ready for the eclipse occuring in April 2024? Check out our article to find out the best locations to witness this incredible event here!

And in the meantime, if you’re in Australia, be prepared for the total Solar Eclipse occuring on April 20 2023!

If you want to learn more about astronomy and keep up to date with the latest celestial events, be sure to follow our blog. We cover everything from planets and galaxies to space exploration and more.

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