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Startalk and Vaonis during the total solar eclipse
Tips & News, Travel journal

StarTalk and Vaonis Team Up for the Total Solar Eclipse

On April 8th, StarTalk and Vaonis team up for the Total Solar Eclipse. But why embark on this adventure? At Vaonis, our core mission is to awe our users. Witnessing one of the most memorable astronomical events was a natural fit for us. Beyond mere enchantment, we strive to understand the phenomena we observe. That’s why we partnered with America’s leading science communicator, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Startalk host. This collaboration between Startalk and Vaonis was an inevitable pairing, combining wonder with deep knowledge to create lasting memories of this spectacular event.

Our story is not just about observing a celestial phenomenon but about a thrilling journey across states, making quick decisions, and the powerful teamwork that led to a spectacular shared experience.

The Game Plan: Dallas or Vermont?

Initially, our entire plan revolved around attending a major event at the Cotton Bowl Stadium in Dallas, for which we dispatched over 2m3 of instruments and materials. Throughout the day, we closely monitored the shifting weather forecasts in consultation with the Startalk group. However, just three days prior to the eclipse, the weather outlook for Dallas turned unfavorable. Consequently, a remote area in Vermont, near Niagara Falls, emerged as the new optimal location.

It’s worth noting that the Vaonis team departed from France expecting warm weather in Texas, only to find themselves in chilly Vermont. The­y thought Texas would be warm. But they had to go to chilly Ve­rmont. So boots and heavy coats shopping was a necessity in order to “survive” 🙂 

A Road Trip to Reme­mber

The team packe­d their 2m3 of tele­scopes and left from Dallas for NYC. Then they drove six hours to Ve­rmont. It was not a “regular” drive: the scene­ry outside kept changing. Beautiful landscapes appeared. Inside their minds and hearts though, the­y felt anticipation and urgency grow. They had an issue they hadn’t thought of: finding a private vie­wing spot for the famous Neil deGrasse­ Tyson was crucial. Fortunately, they again discussed about it with the Startalk team and found the perfect spot.

StarTalk and Vaonis team up for the Total Solar Eclipse: Experiencing the Total Eclipse­

In Vermont, Cyril and the team met the­ Startalk crew who gave us a warm welcome. 

For the event, 5 Ve­spera 2 and 2 Hestia tele­scopes got carefully set up by our team, to make sure­ everything worked smoothly. The­ event only happene­d once, so they felt a lot of pre­ssure. But everything we­nt well, and the Startalk team was ve­ry happy with them, which made the whole Vaonis crew very proud.

The magical moment arrive­d, and our group, including many first-time astronomers, was amazed by the­ eclipse. Neil de­Grasse Tyson’s clear explanations made­ the minutes of total darkness ve­ry special and unforgettable. For 2 minute­s and 30 seconds, both astro beginners and experts stood togethe­r in wonder.

Fun and Friends

Afte­r the eclipse, pe­ople felt happy and good. Our team chose­ to stay overnight. We were­ happy we worked well toge­ther. The eclipse­ was more than just looking at it. It was about making memories that will last. It was about making ne­w friends, too. Plus, we had over 160,000 cool picture­s from our community to look at and celebrate! 

StarTalk and Vaonis team up for the Total Solar Eclipse.

As the shadow of the moon lifted, leaving behind a trail of joy and collective wonder, our collaboration with Startalk and Neil deGrasse Tyson proved to be more than just a successful viewing. It was a journey fueled by our desire to amaze and be amazed, to understand deeply and share that understanding. Neil deGrasse Tyson, with his profound insights, helped us reveal the invisible within the images captured by our telescopes, making this not just an observation but an educational revelation.

This event was a testament to Vaonis’s commitment to blending the marvelous with the knowledgeable, ensuring that everyone involved retained an eternal memory of the eclipse.

Join us as we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe with the same spirit of adventure and discovery that brought us all together under the moon’s shadow. Be part of our community, where each celestial event is more than just a spectacle—it’s a chance to learn, to wonder, and to connect.

Vaonis Facebook groups

Observations, Press, Tips & News, Travel journal

Hestia: Verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone in ein intelligentes Teleskop

Hestia: Verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone in ein intelligentes Teleskop

Erkunden Sie das Universum mit Hestia: Fotografieren Sie die Sonne, die historische Sonnenfinsternis 2024, den Mond und vieles mehr.

Hestia ist das Teleskop, das Sie sich schon immer gewünscht haben, das es aber noch nicht gab… Jetzt ist es da! Es macht die Wunder des Kosmos für jedermann zugänglich.

Hestia nutzt die Leistungsfähigkeit Ihres Smartphones und unsere Spitzentechnologie und ermöglicht es Ihnen, den Glanz der Sonne, die unglaubliche Schönheit des Mondes und die fesselnden Tiefen des Universums einzufangen – ohne komplexe Einstellungen oder umfassende Astronomiekenntnisse. Legen Sie Ihr Smartphone einfach auf das Okular von Hestia, richten Sie das Gerät auf ein Himmelsobjekt Ihrer Wahl, lassen Sie sich von unserer benutzerfreundlichen App leiten und entdecken Sie eine ganz neue Welt.

Nächstes Jahr zieht am 8. April eine totale Sonnenfinsternis über Nordamerika hinweg. Millionen Menschen werden sich versammeln, um dieses historische Ereignis zu beobachten. DAS DÜRFEN SIE NICHT VERPASSEN! Halten Sie diesen magischen Augenblick mit Hestia fest, um das beeindruckende Himmelsschauspiel sicherer und aus größerer Nähe zu beobachten.

Sehen Sie sich den Weg der Sonnenfinsternis unten an.

Am 12. August 2026 findet in Europa zum ersten Mal seit 2006 eine totale Sonnenfinsternis statt.

Hestia ist für jedes Ziel und jeden Zeitpunkt geeignet. Bewundern Sie die Schätze des Himmels, wann und wo Sie möchten.

Je näher sie dem Höhepunkt des aktuellen Sonnenzyklus kommt, desto aktiver wird unser Stern. Die Beobachtung der Sonnenflecken mit Hestia und seinem Sonnenfilter hilft Ihnen, das Verhalten der Sonne, ihren Einfluss auf das Weltraumwetter und ihre Auswirkungen auf unseren Planeten zu verstehen.

Abends können Sie den Sonnenfilter in aller Sicherheit entfernen und den letzten Auftritt der Sonne bewundern.

Sonnenuntergang, aufgenommen mit Hestia ohne Sonnenfilter.

Jetzt wird jede Mondbeobachtung zu einem emotionalen Erlebnis. Entdecken Sie alle Facetten des faszinierend schönen Trabanten unseres Planeten.

Der Himmel ist nicht klar? Toll sind auch Aufnahmen des Mondes, der durch die Wolken scheint!

Alle Astronauten haben einmal angefangen. Hestia ist ideal als erstes Instrument für Einsteiger oder neugierige Menschen, die das Weltall gerne ausführlicher erkunden und verstehen möchten. Hestia und Ihr Smartphone bilden zusammen ein völlig neues Portal, das Ihnen dabei hilft, das Universum zu durchqueren, einige der hellsten Galaxien, Nebel und Sternhaufen zu beobachten und Ihre Reise in den Weltraum zu beginnen.

Die Verwendung von Hestia ist alles andere als komplex. Befestigen Sie Hestia am Stativ und richten Sie die Hauptkamera Ihres Smartphones mit Hilfe von Gravity by Vaonis auf das Okular von Hestia aus. Wählen Sie Ihr Ziel und lassen Sie sich von der App dorthin führen.

Voilà! Schon können Sie die Schönheiten des Kosmos bewundern.

Mit seinem patentierten optischen Design mit sechs Linsen, einem 30-mm-Objektiv (1,2 Zoll) und Prismen, die das Licht brechen und direkt auf den Kamerasensor Ihres Smartphones fokussieren, lotet Hestia die Grenzen der Miniaturisierung neu aus.

Durch ein System mit abnehmbaren Magneten ist Hestia mit allen Größen derzeitiger und zukünftiger Smartphones kompatibel. Hestia wird mit der Zeit immer besser.

Aber das ist noch nicht alles. Hestia benötigt keine andere Stromquelle als Ihr Smartphone und wurde so konzipiert, dass es den Test der Zeit besteht und ewig hält.

Unsere neue App unterstützt Sie Tag und Nacht bei Ihren Abenteuern im Weltraum, führt Sie mühelos zu den Sternen und bietet spannende Lerninhalte. Schnallen Sie sich an, machen Sie es sich bequem und tauchen Sie ein in den Kosmos.

Gravity by Vaonis bietet zahlreiche Lerninhalte, mit denen Sie in Ihrem eigenen Tempo mehr über unser Universum erfahren können. Egal, ob Sie Einsteiger sind und die Entstehung von Mondkratern verstehen möchten oder als Weltraumfan täglich die Entwicklung der Sonnendaten verfolgen möchten: Unsere Anwendung hilft Ihnen, mehr über unsere kosmische Umgebung zu erfahren.

Verloren im Weltall? Keine Sorge, wir haben alles im Griff. Gravity von Vaonis umfasst eine interaktive Himmelskarte, die Ihnen hilft, Ihren Weg durch das Universum zu finden. Erforschen Sie die Sternbilder, lernen Sie den Himmel um Sie herum kennen, und finden Sie interessante Objekte. Wählen Sie einfach einen Sternhaufen, eine Galaxie oder einen Nebel aus und lassen Sie sich von unserer Sternkarte präzise ans Ziel führen. Legen Sie Ihr Smartphone einfach auf das Hestia-Gerät und folgen Sie den Lichtern, um Ihr Teleskop korrekt auszurichten und Objekte zu beobachten, die für das bloße Auge unsichtbar sind.

Machen Sie das, was für unsere Augen unsichtbar ist, mit der Live-Stacking-Technologie von Hestia sichtbar. Wählen Sie Ihr Ziel und lassen Sie die Magie von Gravity by Vaonis wirken. Die Hestia Begleit-App verbessert die Beobachtung mit Hilfe unserer proprietären Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen, die mehrere mit dem Smartphone aufgenommene Kurzzeitbelichtungen zu einem einzigen hochwertigen Foto kombinieren und ausrichten.

Lassen Sie sich über die Wetterbedingungen informieren, um draußen den Nachthimmel zu erkunden. Nutzen Sie alle Himmelsereignisse und Gelegenheiten zur Sternbeobachtung.


Nach Stellina, Vespera, Vespera Pro und Hyperia ist Hestia unser fünftes Familienmitglied. Wir wissen, wie man herausragende Produkte für die Astronomie herstellt.

Hestia: Verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone in ein intelligentes Teleskop

Hestia: Verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone in ein intelligentes TeleskopHestia: Verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone in ein intelligentes TeleskopHestia: Verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone in ein intelligentes Teleskop

Hestia: Verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone in ein intelligentes Teleskop

Observations, Press, Tips & News, Travel journal

Hestia: Turn Your Smartphone Into A Smart Telescope




Dear Vaonis Community,

We are pleased to announce that Vaonis will once again be leveraging the powerful platform of Kickstarter for the introduction of our next pioneering venture in the field of astronomy technology.

Our initial Kickstarter campaigns brought you Vespera, our innovative smart and light-weight telescope that democratizes astrophotography by making it accessible to astronomy enthusiasts of all levels. This products, along with Stellina, marked the beginning of our commitment to enhancing the stargazing experience through cutting-edge technology. Now, we are eager to build upon this foundation and continue to shape the future of this captivating discipline.

Our team, comprised of skilled engineers and design experts, has been working diligently to develop our next-generation product and, while we are not willing to share the specifics of our new project yet in order to keep the momentum til D-Day, we assure you it is designed with the intent of offering an even more immersive and advanced stargazing experience: it’s part of our DNA.

The decision to return to Kickstarter is not incidental. We hold firm our belief in the invaluable role of community engagement. Kickstarter allows us to involve you—our trusted supporters and beloved customers—in the development process from the earliest stages. We value your input and commitment and want you to be part of our journey into the future of astronomical exploration.

Therefore, we invite you to join us in this ambitious endeavor. To participate in the expansion of astronomical knowledge. To further our collective understanding of the universe that surrounds us. 

We strongly encourage you to follow our social media channels and sign up for our Kickstarter newsletter.

We at Vaonis are excited to be returning to Kickstarter and we look forward to your continued support as we embark on this new chapter of astronomical advancement.

Clear skies,

The Vaonis Team

Observations, Press, Tips & News, Travel journal

Hestia: convierte tu Smartphone en un telescopio inteligente


Los subtítulos de vídeo están disponibles en: Francès, Español, Japonés, Inglès.

¿Tiene usted alguna pregunta sobre Hestia? Le invitamos a leer las preguntas más frecuentes en nuestro sitio web.

Hestia es el telescopio que siempre has deseado pero que no existía… hasta ahora. Diseñado para que todas las personas puedan disfrutar de las maravillas del Cosmos.

Aprovechando la potencia de tu Smartphone y nuestra tecnología de última generación, Hestia te permite capturar el brillo del Sol, la fascinante belleza de la Luna y las asombrosas profundidades del Universo, sin necesidad de complejas configuraciones ni amplios conocimientos de astronomía. Simplemente tienes que colocar tu Smartphone en el ocular de Hestia, alinear el dispositivo con el objeto celeste que elijas, dejarte guiar por nuestra aplicación de fácil manejo y descubrir todo un nuevo mundo de exploración.

El año que viene, el 8 de abril, Norteamérica será testigo de un Eclipse solar. Millones de personas se reunirán para presenciar el acontecimiento más impresionante de su vida. NO TE LO PIERDAS. Captura ese momento mágico con Hestia para ver más de cerca y de forma totalmente segura este sobrecogedor espectáculo.

En Europa también se producirá un Eclipse solar total, por primera vez desde 2006, el miércoles 12 de agosto de 2026.

Hestia se ajusta a cada objetivo y momento. Disfruta de las maravillas del cielo cuando y donde quieras.

A medida que el Sol se acerca al punto álgido de su actual ciclo solar, el astro rey se muestra cada vez más activo. Hacer un seguimiento de las manchas solares con Hestia y su filtro solar te ayudará a comprender el comportamiento del Sol, su influencia en la meteorología espacial y su impacto en nuestro planeta.

Para disfrutar de la última gran actuación del Sol al final del día, retira con total tranquilidad el filtro solar. Sunset Hestia prototype

Cada encuentro con la Luna será ahora una experiencia llena de emociones. Descubre todas las caras del bello y enigmático satélite de nuestro planeta.

¿Cielo nublado esta noche? Captar la Luna asomándose entre las nubes también es un espectáculo magnífico:Moon piercing the clouds Hestia prototype

¿Tiene usted alguna pregunta sobre Hestia? Le invitamos a leer las preguntas más frecuentes en nuestro sitio web.

Antes de convertirnos en capitanes interespaciales, todos empezamos como jóvenes cadetes estelares. Hestia es el mejor primer instrumento para principiantes o personas curiosas a las que les encantaría descubrir y comprender mejor los secretos de la bóveda celeste. Hestia y tu Smartphone unen sus fuerzas para formar un portal desconocido hasta ahora, ayudándote a cruzar el Universo para ser testigo de algunas de las Galaxias, Nebulosas y Cúmulos Estelares más brillantes y comenzar tu viaje espacial.

El funcionamiento de Hestia es todo menos complejo. Sujeta Hestia a tu trípode y alinea la cámara principal de tu Smartphone con el ocular de Hestia con la ayuda de Gravity by Vaonis. Elige tu objetivo y deja que la aplicación te guíe para encontrarlo.

¡Ya está! Ya puedes empezar a disfrutar de las bellezas del Cosmos.

Con su diseño óptico patentado de seis lentes con un objetivo de 30 mm (1,2 pulgadas) y prismas para recoger y enfocar la luz directamente en el sensor de la cámara de tu Smartphone, Hestia supera los límites de la miniaturización.


Gracias a un sistema de imanes extraíbles, Hestia se adapta a todos los tamaños de Smartphone actuales y futuros. Hestia solo puede mejorar con el tiempo.

Pero aún hay más. Sin más fuente de alimentación que la de tu Smartphone, Hestia ha sido diseñado para resistir el paso del tiempo y durar para siempre.

Nuestra nueva aplicación está diseñada para ayudarte en tus aventuras espaciales, de día y de noche, guiarte a las estrellas con facilidad y ofrecerte contenidos apasionantes. Así que abróchate el cinturón, ponte cómodo y prepárate para surcar el cosmos.

Gravity by Vaonis incluye todo un itinerario educativo que te permitirá descubrir más sobre nuestro Universo a tu ritmo. Desde principiantes en astronomía que desean comprender la formación de los cráteres lunares hasta entusiastas que desean seguir diariamente la evolución de los datos solares, nuestra aplicación ayudará a todos a aprender más sobre nuestro entorno cósmico.

¿Te has perdido en el espacio? No te preocupes, tenemos lo que necesitas. Gravity by Vaonis integra un mapa celeste interactivo para ayudarte a orientarte en el Universo. Explora las constelaciones, aprende a reconocer el cielo que te rodea y encuentra un objeto que despierte tu interés. Tanto si seleccionas un cúmulo estelar, una galaxia o una nebulosa, nuestro mapa celeste te guiará hasta tu objetivo con precisión. Simplemente con colocar tu Smartphone en Hestia y seguir las luces para alinear correctamente el telescopio podrás capturar lo que es invisible a simple vista.

Haz visible lo que es invisible a nuestros ojos con la tecnología de apilamiento de imágenes en directo de Hestia. Elige tu objetivo y deja que Gravity by Vaonis haga magia. La aplicación complementaria de Hestia te permite mejorar tu observación utilizando nuestros algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes patentados para combinar y alinear varias imágenes de corta exposición capturadas con tu Smartphone en una única fotografía de alta calidad.

Recibe notificaciones sobre las condiciones meteorológicas para salir a explorar el cielo nocturno. Entérate de todos los acontecimientos astronómicos y las mejores oportunidades para observar las estrellas.

¿Tiene usted alguna pregunta sobre Hestia? Le invitamos a leer las preguntas más frecuentes en nuestro sitio web.

Después de Stellina, Vespera, Vespera Pro e Hyperia, Hestia es el quinto miembro de nuestra familia. Sabemos hacer grandes productos astronómicos.


¿Tiene usted alguna pregunta sobre Hestia? Le invitamos a leer las preguntas más frecuentes en nuestro sitio web.

Tips & News, Travel journal

A Comprehensive Guide to Using ‘Plan My Night’

A Comprehensive Guide to Using ‘Plan My Night’. As we stand on the precipice of a new era in astronomy, the power to explore the cosmos is no longer confined to the realm of professional observatories. With the advent of advanced technology, the universe is now at the fingertips of anyone with a Vespera or Stellina and a thirst for discovery. This article will guide you through the process of using ‘Plan My Night’, a unique feature available in our Singularity app, to schedule and automatically run observation sessions.

‘Plan My Night’ is a revolutionary feature that allows you to program observation sessions without needing to be physically connected to your Vespera or Stellina.

To begin, navigate to the ‘Plan My Night’ screen and select ‘create a plan’. You’ll then be prompted to choose your observatory, or the observation site where the program will run. After validating your choice, select the date for your observation program. The software will automatically specify available observation times based on sunrise and sunset.

Once you’ve named your program, it’s time to choose the objects you wish to observe. These will appear in a zone located in the top section of the screen. A list of observable objects, each with a blue bar indicating the interval of time during which the object is observable, is provided in the bottom section of the screen.

‘Plan My Night’ offers a customizable experience, allowing you to filter proposed objects and specify custom criteria. You can choose from all objects in the catalog, just from favorites, or only from those you defined in manual targets. You can filter by category of object, such as galaxies only, and even filter objects according to their height above the horizon. You can also specify a minimum period of time during which the objects must be observable.

Adding an object to the observation program is as simple as touching its name or its observation bar. The object will be added to the schedule in the top portion of the screen, with the duration of visibility set based on the maximum available block of time. The blue curve shows the height variations of the object above the horizon. You can set the observation start and end times for this object and, when you’re satisfied, touch ‘add’.

You can modify or delete the observation times for an object by touching the zone that corresponds to that object. Once you’re satisfied with your observation schedule, press save.

Your observation programs can be viewed from the ‘Plan My Night’ start screen.

To launch an observation program, you must be connected to your observation station. However, the station doesn’t need to have already been initialized. Initialization is automatic when you start your schedule. Your telescope will now automatically capture the objects you defined in the program without your active involvement. When the observation program is finished, your telescope’s arm will automatically return to its closed position.

You can manage how your observation program runs and view the capture directly, as if it was a traditional observation. When your observation station has finished observing the object, it will automatically move on to the next object in the sequence, as defined in the program.

Finally, to view and recover observation program results once complete, go to the ‘Plan My Night’ screen, then choose ‘plan finished’. You can view the image captured for each of the objects and use the usual Singularity commands to save and share the image. Observation program results remain available until another program is launched.

In conclusion, ‘Plan My Night’ is a powerful feature that democratizes the field of astronomy, making it accessible to all. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, it truly brings the universe to your backyard.

So, what are you waiting for? The cosmos awaits!

>>>Check out our Singularity app tutorial HERE<<<

Press, Tips & News, Travel journal

Exploring the Cosmos with Vespera by Astro La Vista

Exploring the Cosmos with Vespera by Astro La Vista. As we journey through the cosmos, technology continues to evolve, making the exploration of the universe more accessible than ever. One such innovation is Vespera Smart Telescope. This device, designed for both amateur and seasoned astronomers, has been making waves in the astronomy industry. In this article, content creator and astronomer Astro La Vista delves into a comprehensive review of Vespera Smart Telescope, inspired by a detailed YouTube review.

Singularity app: A Game-Changer in Astronomy

Vespera is a user-friendly device that brings the wonders of the universe to your fingertips. It’s designed to capture a range of celestial objects, including the sun, moon, galaxies, nebulae and more. Astro La Vista tested all the filters provided for this review, including the solar filter, light pollution filter, and dual band filter.

Setting up Vespera is straightforward. The user-friendly Singularity app guides you through the process, from creating an account to setting up an observatory by entering your location. This feature allows the app to provide information about the weather and recommend objects to observe each night.

Capturing the Sun with Vespera

One of the highlights of Vespera is its ability to capture the sun. After leveling the tripod and connecting to Vespera Wi-Fi signal, the user can install the appropriate solar filter. The app ensures that the correct filter is installed, preventing accidental observation of the sun with the wrong filter. Vespera then automatically finds and focuses on the sun, providing a detailed image of the solar disk, complete with granulation and sunspots.

The process of capturing galaxies is equally impressive. Vespera captures 10-second exposures and stacks them together to create an image on the screen. The reviewer chose the Whirlpool Galaxy, which was well-positioned for observation. The resulting image exhibited a vivid spiral structure with faint galaxies scattered throughout the background. While there was some noise and chromatic aberration, the overall results were commendable.

Get a wider image with CovalENS and our mosaic mode

Vespera also excels in capturing nebulae. Despite the challenges posed by the reviewer’s location and the time of year (Galaxy season), Vespera managed to capture a stunning image of the Fish Head Nebula using the dual band filter. This was a first-time capture for Astro La Vista, highlighting Vespera‘s capabilities.

One of the unique features of Vespera is its Mosaic mode, known as CovalENS technology, which increases the field of view by moving around the object between each shot. This mode was tested on the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies, resulting in a wider, cleaner, and clearer image. The Mosaic mode not only covers more sky but also effectively zooms in, improving image quality.

Exploring the Cosmos with Vespera by Astro La Vista4 essential Vespera accessories: endless possibilities

You can also find various accessories suited for Vespera, including a backpack for safe transport, a high tripod for rough terrain, and a hygrometer sensor that works with Vespera‘s dew control anti-mist system. Astro La Vista noted that Vespera‘s battery held up well, and there were no issues with dew formation on the lens, a significant achievement considering the damp conditions in the UK.

Despite its many advantages, Vespera does have a few minor drawbacks. The blue power indicator light is not ideal for stargazers who prefer red lights. The plate solving and focusing process can take a while, but the reviewer noted that it always worked flawlessly.

In conclusion

Vespera Smart Telescope is a high-quality device that makes exploring the cosmos accessible and enjoyable. Its user-friendly design, impressive image capturing capabilities, and innovative features make it a worthy investment for anyone passionate about astronomy. Despite a few minor drawbacks, Vespera definitely stands out as a reliable and efficient tool for both beginners and seasoned astronomers.

Vespera is more than just a telescope; it’s a gateway to the universe. It’s designed to make astronomy accessible to everyone, regardless of their experience level. With Vespera, you can explore the cosmos from your backyard, capturing stunning images of celestial objects and learning more about the universe we live in.

In the end, Vespera Smart Telescope is more than worth considering; it’s a must-have for anyone passionate about exploring the cosmos. Its user-friendly design, impressive capabilities, and innovative features make it a standout in the astronomy industry. So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey through the cosmos, Vespera is your ticket to the stars.

Huge thank you to Astro La Vista for his reviews. You can see both videos here and here. C

Tips & News, Travel journal

Singularity App: Your Guide to the Cosmos

Singularity App: Your Guide to the Cosmos. The universe is a vast expanse of cosmic wonders, and with the right tools, we can bring these celestial bodies closer to home. One such tool is the Singularity application, designed to optimize your observations using Vespera or Stellina telescope. This blog post will guide you through the main features of Singularity, turning your stargazing sessions into a cosmic journey.

Setting Up Your Space Centre

Upon launching Singularity for the first time and creating your account, you’ll be taken to the space centre. Here, the first step is to choose your observatory, essentially the location from where you’ll be observing. You can set up multiple observatories and monitor the weather conditions and forecasts for each. To create a new observatory, simply tap the plus icon, select ‘add a new observatory’, define its location, and give it a name.

Instrument Widget and Image Format Widget

The instrument widget allows you to check the connection between your smartphone or tablet and your observation station. It also provides information about the temperature, humidity, and the installed filter in your observation station.

The image format widget, on the other hand, helps you select the file formats that will be automatically saved in Vespera‘s or Stellina‘s internal memory or on a USB during your observations.

Exploring the Celestial Bodies

Once you’ve set up your observatory, you can initialize the process and choose your observation target. The explorer feature, also called catalog, in Singularity offers hundreds of celestial objects to choose from. You can filter your search by the type of object, such as nebulae, and sort options to list the highest objects in the sky first.

If the object you want to observe isn’t available in the browser, you can manually enter its celestial coordinates. This feature allows you to observe any celestial body, even those not listed in the application.

Observation and Image Stacking

When an observation is in progress, the result is displayed on the observation screen. By default, your observation station captures images using an exposure time of 10 seconds and combines them using a method called stacking. This technique gradually enhances image quality by overlaying multiple images of the same object.

Saving and Sharing Your Observations

Singularity offers several ways to save and share your observation results. You can store the image in your Singularity gallery, on your tablet or smartphone, or share it with friends and family using standard share functions. Depending on the options you defined on the instrument screen, observation images are automatically saved in the internal memory of Vespera or on a USB key with Stellina.

Planning Your Night and Managing Your Profile

The ‘Plan my night’ feature is used to plan a full night of observations automatically performed by your instrument. The profile section provides access to your Singularity gallery, as well as to your account and application settings. The gallery contains the images you stored in Singularity from the observation section, which are stored in the cloud and linked to your account.

>>>Check out our ‘Plan My Night’ video tutorial HERE<<<


With Singularity, the universe is at your fingertips. Whether you’re a seasoned astronomer or a curious beginner, this application offers a user-friendly interface and a plethora of features to make your stargazing experience truly out of this world. So, set up your observatory, choose your celestial object, and embark on a cosmic journey like no other.

Download Singularity in iOS and Android

Observations, Travel journal

What can we observe in the sky in June 2023?

What can we observe in the sky in June: ephemeris of astral events for the month of June 2023.

June, a month of brilliant starry skies, offers us a wealth of celestial events and objects to explore. With the aid of your Vaonis instruments, these astronomical wonders reveal their splendour. Let’s take a deeper look into the universe’s spectacle, a story of galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, and supernova visible in June 2023. 

M101 and the Fading Supernova

What can we observe in the sky in June: ephemeris of astral events for the month of June 2023.M101 by Susan Fortney with Stellina

Perhaps the most dramatic event of the season is the supernova discovered by Koichi Itagaki on 19th May 2023. After its discovery, the supernova, named SN 2023ixf, exploded in brightness, increasing 44 times over just three days. This supernova, which originated from the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) located in the constellation Ursa Major (The Great Bear), is set to illuminate our night skies for a few months. Although the supernova’s luminosity is already declining, it will remain visible in Stellina and Vespera instruments throughout June, offering a rare glimpse of a star’s explosive death.

The Lagoon Nebula: A Cosmic Nursery

What can we observe in the sky in June: ephemeris of astral events for the month of June 2023.M8 by Peter Board

The Lagoon Nebula (M8 or NGC 6523), an expansive star-forming region in Sagittarius (The Archer), offers a stunning sight. Although dimly visible to the naked eye under favourable conditions, your Vespera or Stellina will reveal the full majesty of this celestial object. The Lagoon Nebula appears as a giant glowing cloud of interstellar gas, three times the area of the full Moon, housing an embedded open star cluster (NGC 6530). 

Small Sagittarius Star Cloud: A Stellar Congregation

M24 by Fatima Salcedo with Stellina

Discovered by Charles Messier in 1764, the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (M24 or IC 4715) is a mesmerising sight. Located in the Sagittarius-Carina arm of the Milky Way, it provides a view of thousands of stars through a “tunnel” in the interstellar dust. This cloud’s region reveals over a thousand stars, providing a truly awe-inspiring experience.

The Great Hercules Cluster: A Stellar Time Capsule

What can we observe in the sky in June: ephemeris of astral events for the month of June 2023.

M13 (512 exp) with Vespera

The Great Hercules Cluster (M13 or NGC 6205) is a globular cluster that shines brightly in the Northern Hemisphere’s summer sky. Visible to the naked eye under optimal conditions, your Vaonis instrument will start to resolve this glittering ball into hundreds of individual stars. This cluster, containing up to a million suns approximately 12 billion years old, is a testament to the vast age and scale of our universe.

Ptolemy’s Cluster: Following the Scorpion’s Stinger

M7 by Stellina

The constellation Scorpius (The Scorpion) hosts Ptolemy’s Cluster (M7 or NGC 6475), named after the ancient Egyptian astronomer who referred to it as the ‘little cloud following the stinger of Scorpius. This large, bright open cluster of about 80 stars will be observable with your Vespera or Stellina, covering an area almost three full Moons wide.

A Close Encounter with Asteroid 488453 (1994 XD)

A celestial interloper, the Apollo-class asteroid 488453 (1994 XD), will swing by Earth, missing us by eight lunar distances early on the morning of 12th June. This half-kilometre-wide asteroid, while only visible through a telescope at its closest approach, offers an exciting opportunity for those with the necessary equipment. The asteroid will speed through the northern constellation Cepheus (The King), moving at a rate equivalent to the apparent diameter of the full Moon every 20 minutes. Observing this quick-footed celestial visitor will surely be a thrilling experience for asteroid chasers.

The month of June 2023 offers a plethora of celestial sights to behold. From a supernova remnant in a distant galaxy to the formation of new stars in the nebulae of our own Milky Way, the night sky promises to be a source of wonder and inspiration. The vast star clouds and clusters remind us of the grandeur of the universe, while the flyby of a near-Earth asteroid emphasizes the dynamic nature of our cosmic neighbourhood.

Whether you’re an experienced stargazer or a novice to the field, this month provides an excellent opportunity to step outside on clear nights and delve into the mysteries of the cosmos. So, grab your Vespera or Stellina and enjoy the celestial extravaganza of June 2023.

Observations, Tips & News, Travel journal

What can we observe in the sky in May 2023?

What can we observe in the sky in May 2023? May is going to be an exciting month for amateur astronomers. This month, we will enjoy several interesting celestial phenomena, including the Markarian’s Chain, and, for the first time in Vaonis history, we will host a one-of-a-kind collaborative project. 

Markarian’s Chain

The Markarian’s Chain is a fascinating celestial phenomenon. It is a chain of galaxies located in the constellation Virgo. It takes its name from the Armenian astrophysicist Benjamin Markarian, who discovered it in 1983. This chain of galaxies is composed of twelve galaxies that have an appearance strung like pearls on a necklace. 

The best time to observe the Markarian’s Chain is when it is high in the sky, after midnight. If you are in town, don’t forget your light pollution filter for the best viewing experience.

Save The Date: let’s head to Markarian’s Chain on May 12th

On the evening of Friday, May 12th, thousands of Vespera and Stellina owners around the world are invited to point their instrument at the Markarian’s Chain to create all together the longest exposure photograph ever captured with the same gear.

Whether you’re a Stellina or a Vespera users, set your calendar and join us on this challenge.

Cigar Galaxy

M82, also known as the Cigar Galaxy, is an irregular galaxy located about 12 million light-years from Earth, in the constellation of the Big Dipper. It is particularly remarkable because of its intense star formation activity, which makes it a starburst galaxy. This activity is mainly due to a gravitational interaction with its neighbor, the galaxy M81, which disrupted the distribution of gas and dust within M82.

What can we observe in the sky in May 2023?


The nickname “Cigar Galaxy” comes from its elongated and narrow shape, easily observed through an amateur telescope. M82 is also an important source of infrared radiation, due to the heat given off by the star forming regions and the presence of interstellar dust. Recent observations have also revealed the presence of a supermassive black hole at its center, which contributes to the emission of X-rays detectable from Earth.

The study of M82 allows us to better understand the processes of star formation and the interactions between galaxies, making this galaxy an object of major interest for astronomers and astronomy enthusiasts around the world.

To observe the Cigar Galaxy, Vespera and Stellinawill be your best assets. As for the Markarian Chain, it is advisable to choose an observation site far from the city lights, in order to obtain a dark and clear sky or to have a CLS filter.

The Pinwheel galaxy

The Pinwheel Galaxy is one of the most fascinating galaxies in the cosmos. Located about 300 million light years from Earth, this galaxy is a classic example of what is called a face-on spiral galaxy. The particularity of this galaxy lies in its central bar, which crosses its oval-shaped nucleus and is bordered by extended spiral arms. It is a real spectacle for astronomers who study galaxies, because the images of the Pinwheel galaxy reveal an incredibly complex and detailed structure.

What can we observe in the sky in May 2023?

The discovery of the Pinwheel Galaxy dates back to 1773, when French astronomer Charles Messier first observed it. He catalogued it as M101 in his famous catalog of celestial objects. However, it was not until 1920 that the American astronomer Heber Curtis realized that the M101 galaxy was in fact the Pinwheel galaxy. Since then, astronomers have continued to study this galaxy, using increasingly powerful and sophisticated telescopes. Observations have revealed many fascinating details about this galaxy, such as the presence of many star-forming regions and vast clouds of gas and dust. The Pinwheel Galaxy continues to fascinate astronomers and the general public today, and it remains one of the most iconic examples of a barred spiral galaxy.

The Dumbbell Nebula

The Dumbbell Nebula is another celestial wonder to observe in May. This nebula is located in the constellation Lyra, and is also known as M27. Amateur astronomers will appreciate its barbell-like shape.

What can we observe in the sky in May 2023?

The Dumbbell Nebula is a planetary nebula, which was discovered by French astronomer Charles Messier in 1764. It is located about 1,360 light-years from Earth, and consists of gas and dust ejected by a star at the end of its life. The Dumbbell Nebula is a wonder to observe through a telescope, thanks to its bright colors and distinctive shape.

If you have a Vespera, we recommend the Dual Band filter, a narrow band interference filter that will increase the contrast between the stellar object and the sky background. Its use allows you to obtain an image of superior quality, with stars and finer details.

NGC457 aka the Owl Cluster

NGC 457, also known as the Owl Cluster, is an open cluster of stars located about 7,900 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia. This picturesque cluster, discovered by British astronomer William Herschel in 1787, is particularly popular with amateur astronomers because of its amazing shape and ease of observation.

What can we observe in the sky in May 2023?

The Owl Cluster gets its name from the arrangement of its stars, which resemble the bright eyes of an owl, with two brighter stars, Phi-1 and Phi-2 Cassiopeiae, serving as the “eyes” and a set of less bright stars forming the “body”. NGC 457 contains more than 150 stars, some of which have a characteristic bluish tint, resulting from their high temperature.

When you observe NGC 457, let yourself be enchanted by this celestial dance of stars which, for thousands of years, has formed one of the most intriguing and enchanting faces of our night sky.

IC4592 Blue Horse Nebula

Located in the southern constellation Scorpius, this stunning nebula is a testament to the sheer beauty and majesty of the universe we inhabit. With its vivid hues of blue and pink, this celestial masterpiece is a feast for the eyes and a source of wonder and inspiration for stargazers and scientists alike. Whether you are an avid astronomy enthusiast or simply someone who appreciates the splendor of the cosmos, the IC4592 Blue Horse Nebula is a must-see for anyone looking to experience the awe-inspiring grandeur of the universe.

It was first discovered by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in the early 19th century. Dunlop was a renowned astronomer who spent much of his career studying the southern skies, and his discovery of the Blue Horse Nebula is just one example of his significant contributions to the field of astronomy.

In conclusion, the month of May offers amateur astronomers the opportunity to discover several celestial wonders, including the Markarian’s Chain, and join us in an incredible challenge! Whether you are a novice or an experienced observer, these celestial objects offer a unique opportunity to explore and appreciate the beauty of the universe around us.

Observations, Tips & News, Travel journal

Save The Date: let’s head to the Virgo Cluster on May 12th

The results are in!

Vaonis is excited to share the first ever collaborative image captured by the Vaonis community during the recent Virgo Cluster Challenge.

Despite the inclement weather, our team received over 100 entries over the weekend.

Thanks to your participation, we were able to push the limits of Vespera’s and Stellina’s capabilities, especially in detecting the faintest celestial bodies, also known as the limiting magnitude, that our instruments can perceive.

On behalf of the entire Vaonis team, we would like to thank ALL of you, challenge participants and the entire Vaonis community, for participating in this unique challenge!

Here are the results obtained by Vespera and Stellina users.





Save The Date: let’s head to the Virgo Cluster on May 12th! With modern technology, capturing stunning photographs of the universe has become more accessible than ever before. Today, Vaonis is inviting you to create a new world record with the longest cumulative exposure time image in 24 hours ever taken by Vaonis fast-growing community.

On May 12th, Vespera owners will point their instruments at NGC 4438 (part of the Markarian’s Chain), while Stellina owners are invited to point theirs at M60, both part of the Virgo cluster, and work together to create the longest exposure photograph ever captured with the same gear. This is a fantastic opportunity to join a pioneering community of individuals with a shared passion for astrophotography.

Join Vaonis on that special day as we set our sights on the beautiful Virgo Cluster on May 12th! In this blog post, we’ll discuss the Virgo Cluster and how you can participate in Vaonis’ exciting new challenge.


What is the Virgo Cluster?

The Virgo Cluster is a stunning and awe-inspiring phenomenon in the cosmos. Located within the constellation Virgo, this cluster is a massive collection of galaxies that contains thousands of individual members. From massive elliptical galaxies to smaller, irregular ones, the Virgo Cluster is a testament to the sheer scale and complexity of the universe. At its core lies the M87 galaxy, a behemoth that weighs in at trillions of times the mass of our Sun. The Virgo Cluster has captivated astronomers and stargazers alike with its intricate structure and breathtaking beauty. Whether you’re a seasoned astrophotographer or simply an admirer of the cosmos, the Virgo Cluster is a must-see spectacle that is sure to leave you in wonderment.

Save The Date: let’s head to the Virgo Cluster on May 12th

Vaonis’ new challenge is designed to bring together amateur astronomers from all over the world to capture a new world record with the longest cumulative exposure time image in 24 hours ever taken by Vaonis fast-growing community.

On May 12th, Vespera owners will point their instruments at NGC 4438 (part of the Markarian’s Chain), while Stellina owners are invited to point theirs at M60, both part of the Virgo Cluster, and work together to create the longest exposure photograph ever captured with the same gear.

How to Participate

Participating in Vaonis’ challenge is easy and straightforward. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Own a Vespera or a Stellina
  2. Save the date in your calendar and set an alarm for May 12th
  3. Check if the Virgo Cluster is visible from your location using tools such as Stellarium : if you live between Olso and Cape Horn, you should be able to observe it
  4. Ensure your observation station and app are up-to-date by checking the latest releases
  5. Enable TIFF export in your Singularity app settings by following the tutorial provided by Vaonis


Stellina owners Vespera owners
  • Select Messier 60 galaxy
  • Let the observation run for at least 1 hour (stacking time)
  • Do not use the CovalENS or Reframe features
  • Find more help here
  • Select NGC 4438 (the target will be added in the next app release of May 9th)
  • If you want to have a try and observe the object before May 9th, enter the following coordinates in the manual mode:

ra: 12h27min47s dec:13°0′

  • CovalENS mode REQUIRED: change the size of the mosaic then center the square of the mosaic on NGC 4438 by keeping the field 2.8° x 2.0°, without changing the default position, nor rotate

Once you have captured your image, save it in TIFF format and send the file to photo@vaonis.com before May 14th, along with your full name, email address, and location. 

Join the Community

Join the dedicated event on the mySingularity Facebook group to meet other participants and get advice. You can also browse the FAQ for Vespera and Stellina section to get answers to any questions you may have. Joining the community can be a great way to learn more about astrophotography and connect with other astronomy enthusiasts.

Vaonis’ new challenge promises to be a unique and exciting experience for amateur astronomers all over the world. By participating in the challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to capture a stunning photograph of the Virgo Cluster and potentially be a part of a new world record. With simple instructions and plenty of resources provided by Vaonis, this is a great opportunity for amateur astronomers of all levels to come together and capture the beauty of the universe. 

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity and join the challenge today!


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